Awards & Scholarships
Explorers are involved in a lot of things! Many hours of training, education, service, and activities take up our time. In recognition of your hard work, you can earn the following awards:
1. Law Enforcement Training
Recognizes the accumulation of 60 hours of training in the following areas:
- History of law enforcement (1 hour)
- Procedures of investigation (6 hours)
- The contemporary law enforcement role (2 hours)
- Human relations (4 hours)
- The criminal justice system (2 hours)
- Crime prevention (8 hours)
- Radio procedures (2 hours)
- Accident investigation (4 hours)
- Basic patrol procedures (3 hours)
- Crime scene investigation (4 hours)
- Report writing (4 hours)
- Fingerprinting and classification (4 hours)
- Criminal law (6 hours)
- Narcotics and dangerous drugs (2 hours)
- Juvenile law (2 hours)
- Arrest and search (4 hours)
- Traffic law (2 hours)
2. Community Service
Acknowledges 100 hours of community service, including crowd traffic control, parking service, community events, etc. Service must be preapproved and logged by the Advisor.
3. Crime Prevention
Includes the basic 8 hours of crime prevention instruction as well as an additional 8 hours of training in areas such as neighborhood watch, home security survey, and bicycle registration. The award is presented to Explorers who participate in at least three departmental crime prevention projects with a total of 25 hours of activity.
4. Law Enforcement Service
Includes assistance to the department in areas such as records, communications, data pro- cessing, etc. It recognizes an accumulation of 100 hours of service.
5. Emergency Preparedness
Certifies that the Explorer has received training in advanced first aid and CPR; has received training in how the post would assist in a disaster, such as flood, tornado, hurricane, etc.; and has participated in at least one civil defense or community-wide disaster training exercise.
6. Firearms Training
Includes 8 hours of firearms safety training and matches the guidelines stated in the NRA/Law Enforcement Explorer Firearms Certification Program.
7. Tenure
Awarded to those Explorers who complete one year of satisfactory service to the post.
8. Perfect Attendance
Recognizes attendance at each scheduled meeting of the post during the preceding year.
9. Drug Abuse Prevention
Acknowledges proficiency in drug abuse prevention training and service. Requires 6 hours of advanced training outlined in Drug Abuse Prevention for Explorers: A Guidebook, No. 99-210, and 50 hours of service in at least two different drug abuse prevention projects.
10. National Law Enforcement Explorer Conference Bar
Presented to Explorers who attend a national Law Enforcement Explorer conference.
11. National Law Enforcement Explorer Academy
Presented to Explorers selected to attend a National Law Enforcement Explorer Academy.
12. Eagle or Gold Award Recognition
May be worn by an Explorer who has achieved the Boy Scouts of America or Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. highest award and honor (the BSA Eagle or GSUSA Gold).
13. Explorer of the Year
Each post will be encouraged to recognize one Explorer each year. This Explorer should be selected on the basis of dependability, attitude, attendance, and contributions to the post, department, and community. Explorers of the Year are obviously recognized for their outstanding performances and personal attributes.
Through Exploring, members are eligible to apply for several different scholarships to help them with furthering their education. Explorers are encouraged to set their sights on achieving a college education and these scholarships can help reach that goal.
- Billy Yout Excellence in Leadership Award: $2,500
- The James E. Breining Scholarship Award: $1,500 or more
- Sheryl A. Horak Memorial Scholarship: $1,000
- NOBLE Scholarships: 3 scholarships ranging from $1,500 – $2,500
- HAPCOA Award for Law Enforcement Explorers: $1,000
- Capt. James J. Regan Scholarships: $2,500
- Motorola Solutions Foundation Public Safety Explorer Scholarship: $2,000